use rand::{RngCore, Rng}; use sha2::{Sha256, Sha512, Digest}; use hmac::{Hmac, Mac}; use std::convert::TryInto; type HmacSha256 = Hmac; type HmacSha512 = Hmac; const DEFAULT_SALT_SIZE: usize = 256; // Salt size for key derivation const DEFAULT_IV_SIZE: usize = 256; // IV size (2048 bits) const DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE: usize = 256; // Key size (2048 bits) const DEFAULT_ROUNDS: usize = 256; // Rounds const DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 1024; // 1kb const HMAC_KEY_SIZE: usize = 32; // Key size for HMAC (256 bits) /* * EonaCatCipher - Because security is key! * * Copyright (c) 2024 EonaCat (Jeroen Saey) * * * * TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION * OF SOFTWARE BY EONACAT (JEROEN SAEY) * * This software is provided "as is", without any express or implied warranty. * In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, * damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, * arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other * dealings in the software. * * You may use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is furnished * to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * 1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * 2. The software must not be used for any unlawful purpose. * * For any inquiries, please contact: */ pub struct EonaCatCipher { derived_key: Vec, // Derived encryption key hmac_key: Vec, // HMAC key iv_size: usize, // IV size key_size: usize, // Key size rounds: usize, // Number of rounds for key derivation block_size: usize, // The size of the block that is created } impl EonaCatCipher { pub fn new(password: &str, salt_size: usize, iv_size: usize, key_size: usize, rounds: usize, block_size: usize) -> Result { if password.is_empty() { return Err("EonaCatCipher: Password cannot be null or empty.".to_string()); } let (derived_key, hmac_key) = Self::derive_key_and_hmac(password, salt_size)?; Ok(Self { derived_key, hmac_key, iv_size, key_size, rounds, block_size, }) } fn generate_random_bytes(size: usize) -> Vec { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut random_bytes = vec![0u8; size]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut random_bytes); random_bytes } fn derive_key_and_hmac(password: &str, salt_size: usize) -> Result<(Vec, Vec), String> { let salt = Self::generate_random_bytes(salt_size); let encryption_key = Self::pbkdf2(password, &salt, DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE, DEFAULT_ROUNDS)?; let hmac_key = Self::pbkdf2(password, &salt, HMAC_KEY_SIZE, DEFAULT_ROUNDS)?; let mut key_with_salt = vec![0u8; salt.len() + encryption_key.len()]; key_with_salt[..salt.len()].copy_from_slice(&salt); key_with_salt[salt.len()..].copy_from_slice(&encryption_key); Ok((key_with_salt, hmac_key)) } fn pbkdf2(password: &str, salt: &[u8], key_length: usize, iterations: usize) -> Result, String> { let mut derived_key = vec![0u8; key_length]; let hmac = HmacSha512::new_varkey(password.as_bytes()).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; let hash_length = hmac.output_size(); let blocks_needed = (key_length + hash_length - 1) / hash_length; for block_index in 0..blocks_needed { let mut current_block = Vec::with_capacity(salt.len() + 4); current_block.extend_from_slice(salt); current_block.extend_from_slice(&(block_index + 1).to_be_bytes()); let mut u = hmac.clone().finalize_reset(¤t_block); let mut block = u.clone(); let derived_key_offset = block_index * hash_length; let remaining = key_length - derived_key_offset; let copy_length = remaining.min(hash_length); derived_key[derived_key_offset..derived_key_offset + copy_length].copy_from_slice(&u); for _ in 1..iterations { u = hmac.clone().finalize_reset(&u); for i in 0..hash_length { block[i] ^= u[i]; } let remaining = key_length - derived_key_offset; let copy_length = remaining.min(hash_length); derived_key[derived_key_offset..derived_key_offset + copy_length].copy_from_slice(&block); } } Ok(derived_key) } pub fn encrypt(&self, plaintext: &str) -> Vec { let iv = Self::generate_random_bytes(self.iv_size); let plaintext_bytes = plaintext.as_bytes(); let mut ciphertext = vec![0u8; plaintext_bytes.len()]; let mut cipher = EonaCatCrypto::new(&self.derived_key, &iv, self.block_size, self.rounds); cipher.generate(plaintext_bytes, &mut ciphertext, true); let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(self.iv_size + ciphertext.len()); result.extend_from_slice(&iv); result.extend_from_slice(&ciphertext); let hmac = self.generate_hmac(&result); result.extend_from_slice(&hmac); result } pub fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext_with_hmac: &[u8]) -> Result { let hmac_offset = ciphertext_with_hmac.len() - HMAC_KEY_SIZE; let provided_hmac = &ciphertext_with_hmac[hmac_offset..]; let ciphertext = &ciphertext_with_hmac[..hmac_offset]; let calculated_hmac = self.generate_hmac(ciphertext); if provided_hmac != calculated_hmac.as_slice() { return Err("EonaCatCipher: HMAC validation failed. Data may have been tampered with.".to_string()); } let iv = &ciphertext[..self.iv_size]; let encrypted_data = &ciphertext[self.iv_size..]; let mut decrypted_data = vec![0u8; encrypted_data.len()]; let mut cipher = EonaCatCrypto::new(&self.derived_key, iv, self.block_size, self.rounds); cipher.generate(encrypted_data, &mut decrypted_data, false); String::from_utf8(decrypted_data).map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } fn generate_hmac(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Vec { let mut hmac = HmacSha256::new_varkey(&self.hmac_key).expect("HMAC key should be valid"); hmac.update(data); hmac.finalize().into_bytes().to_vec() } } pub struct EonaCatCrypto { block_size: usize, rounds: usize, state: Vec, key: Vec, nonce: Vec, block_counter: u32, } impl EonaCatCrypto { pub fn new(key_with_salt: &[u8], nonce: &[u8], block_size: usize, rounds: usize) -> Self { let key_length = key_with_salt.len() / 4; let mut key = vec![0u32; key_length]; key.copy_from_slice(&key_with_salt[..key_length * 4].chunks(4).map(|chunk| { u32::from_be_bytes(chunk.try_into().unwrap()) }).collect::>()); let nonce_length = nonce.len() / 4; let mut nonce_arr = vec![0u32; nonce_length]; nonce_arr.copy_from_slice(&nonce[..nonce_length * 4].chunks(4).map(|chunk| { u32::from_be_bytes(chunk.try_into().unwrap()) }).collect::>()); Self { block_size, rounds, state: vec![0u64; block_size / 4], key, nonce: nonce_arr, block_counter: 0, } } fn generate_block(&mut self, output: &mut [u8]) { for i in 0..self.state.len() { self.state[i] = (self.key[i % self.key.len()] as u64 ^ self.nonce[i % self.nonce.len()] as u64) + (i as u64 * 0x5DEECE66D); } for round in 0..self.rounds { for i in 0..self.state.len() { self.state[i] = (((self.state[i] as i64) + round as i64) ^ ((round as i64) * 0x5DEECE66D as i64) + (i as i64 + self.block_counter as i64)) as u64); } } output.copy_from_slice(bytemuck::cast_slice(&self.state)); self.block_counter += 1; } pub fn generate(&mut self, input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8], encrypt: bool) { let total_blocks = (input.len() + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size; for block_index in 0..total_blocks { let input_offset = block_index * self.block_size; let output_offset = block_index * self.block_size; let mut block = vec![0u8; self.block_size]; self.generate_block(&mut block); for i in 0..block.len() { if input_offset + i < input.len() { output[output_offset + i] = input[input_offset + i] ^ block[i]; } } } } } fn main() { let password = "securePassword123!@#$"; let plaintext = "Thank you for using EonaCatCipher!"; println!("Encrypting '{}' with password '{}' (we do this 5 times)", plaintext, password); println!("================"); for i in 0..5 { println!("Encryption round {}: ", i + 1); println!("================"); let cipher = EonaCatCipher::new(password, DEFAULT_SALT_SIZE, DEFAULT_IV_SIZE, DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE, DEFAULT_ROUNDS, DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE) .expect("Failed to create cipher"); let encrypted = cipher.encrypt(plaintext); println!("Encrypted (byte array): {:?}", encrypted); let decrypted = cipher.decrypt(&encrypted).expect("Failed to decrypt"); println!("Decrypted: {}", decrypted); println!("================"); } }