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2018-12-19 20:44:16 +01:00
/**** SuperSmash Framework ****/
/**** Created By SuperSmash ****/
/**** Started on: 25-04-2012 ****/
use settings\settings;
if (!defined("SUPERSMASH_FRAMEWORK")){die("You cannot access this page directly!");}
// This function will autoload the classes that are not yet included/loaded in the SuperSmash Framework
function __autoload($className)
// We will need to lowercase everything
$parts = explode(DS, strtolower($className));
// We need to remove the first part of the array (if the value is empty)
// (This can happen because you came from the root namespace)
if (empty($parts[0]))
// Build the filePath
$classPath = implode(DS, $parts);
$classPath = str_replace('\\', DS, $classPath);
// We need to assign our filePath as the root (so php looks there when looking for files)
$file = ROOT . DS . $classPath .'.php';
$file = str_replace('supersmash', 'SuperSmash', $file);
// If the file exists, then include it else show an error
if (!file_exists($file))
// Failed to load the class we where looking for.
showError('autoLoad', array(addslashes($className)), E_ERROR);
// This function will handle all the errors that where given by PHP (this will be the default error handler)
function errorHandler($errorNumber, $errorMessage, $errorFile, $errorLine) {
// Get the debug instance
$debug = loadClass('Debug');
// Trigger the error
$debug->triggerError($errorNumber, $errorMessage, $errorFile, $errorLine, debug_backtrace());
// Don't execute PHP internal error handler
return true;
// This function will show the errorMessage
function showError($errorMessage = 'none', $arguments = null, $level = E_ERROR)
// Let get a backtrace for deep debugging
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$calling = $backtrace[0];
$language = system\SuperSmash\SuperSmash::language();
$message = $language->get($errorMessage);
// Allow custom messages
$message = $errorMessage;
// check if there are any arguments
// Add the arguments to the message
$message = vsprintf($message, $arguments);
// Get the debug instance
$debug = loadClass('Debug');
// Add a break to the errorMessage
$message = "<br>" . $message;
// Trigger the error
$debug->triggerError($level, $message, $calling['file'], $calling['line'], $backtrace);
// This function will show an 404 error page
function show_404()
// Get the debug instance
$debug = loadClass('Debug');
// Show the error
// This function will log a message to a specified filename log
function logMessage($message, $filename = DEBUG)
// Get the debug instance
$debug = loadClass('Debug');
// Log the error
$debug->log($message, $filename);
// This function returns an item of the configuration file
function configuration($item, $type = 'SuperSmash')
// Get the config instance
$configuration = loadClass('Configuration');
// Return the specific item
return $configuration->get($item, $type);
// This function will set an item in the configuration file
function configurationSet($item, $value, $name = 'SuperSmash')
// Get the config instance
$configuration = loadClass('Configuration');
// Set the specific configuration item in the configuration file
$configuration->set($item, $value, $name);
// This function will save a configuration to the configuration.php file
function configurationSave($name)
// Get the config instance
$configuration = loadClass('Configuration');
// Save the configuration to the configuration.php file
return $configuration->save($name);
// This function will load the specific configuration in the configuration.php
function configurationLoad($file, $name, $array = false)
$configuration = loadClass('Configuration');
$configuration->load($file, $name, $array);
// This function will get an instance of the controller
function getInstance()
if (class_exists('application\\SuperSmash\\Controller', false))
return application\SuperSmash\Controller::getInstance();
elseif (class_exists('system\\SuperSmash\\Controller', false))
return system\SuperSmash\Controller::getInstance();
return false;
// This function will return the website URL and the URL information
function getUrlInformation()
return loadClass('Router')->getUrlInformation();
// This function will load a specific className
function loadClass($className, $type = 'SuperSmash', $parameters = array())
// We need to create a className path for the correct class
if(strpos($className, '\\') === false)
$className = $type . DS . $className;
// We will need to lowercase everything
$class = strtolower($className);
// We will need to change the SuperSmash directory to its capital case
$class = str_replace('supersmash', 'SuperSmash', $class);
// Create a storageName for the class
$store_name = str_replace('\\', '_', $class);
// Check if the class exists in the registry
$loaded = \system\SuperSmash\Registry::singleton()->load($store_name);
if($loaded !== null)
return $loaded;
// The class was not found in the registry so we need to look for the classFile ourself
// Split the class path in parts
$parts = explode('\\', $class);
// Build our filepath
$file = str_replace('\\', DS, implode('\\', $parts));
// If we dont have the full path, we need to create it
if($parts[0] !== 'system' && $parts[0] !== 'application')
// Check for needed classes in the Application library folder
if(file_exists(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . $file . '.php'))
$file = settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . $file .'.php';
$className = DS . 'application' . DS . $className;
$file = SYSTEM . DS . $file .'.php';
$className = DS .'system' . DS . $className;
$file = ROOT . $file .'.php';
require_once ($file);
if (!class_exists($className))
// We only want the className and dont need the parent paths
if (strlen(strstr($className, DS . "system" . DS . "SuperSmash" . DS))>0) $className = str_replace(DS . "system" . DS . "SuperSmash" . DS, "", $className);
// Check if the class needs parameters
if (!empty($parameters))
$newClass = new ReflectionClass($className);
$newClass = $newClass->newInstanceArgs($parameters);
catch (Exception $exception)
die("The class $className could not be loaded >>> <br/><br/> $exception");
// Create an object of the new class
$newClass = '\system\\SuperSmash\\' . $className;
$newClass = new $newClass;
// Store the new object in the registry
\system\SuperSmash\Registry::singleton()->store($store_name, $newClass);
// return the new class.
return $newClass;
// This function will redirect you to a specified URL after a specified waiting time
function redirect($url, $wait = 0)
// Check if the URL is valid. If not then add our current websiteURL to it.
if(!preg_match('@^(mailto|ftp|http(s)?)://@i', $url))
$websiteURL = getUrlInformation();
$url = $websiteURL['websiteURL'] .'/'. $url;
// Check if we need to wait a few seconds before we can redirect the user
if($wait >= 1)
header("Refresh:". $wait .";url=". $url);
header("Location: ".$url);