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2018-12-19 20:44:16 +01:00
/**** SuperSmash Framework ****/
/**** Created By SuperSmash ****/
/**** Started on: 25-04-2012 ****/
namespace system\SuperSmash;
use settings\settings;
if (!defined("SUPERSMASH_FRAMEWORK")){die("You cannot access this page directly!");}
class Language
// This variable will contain an array of supported languages
protected $supportedLanguages = array();
// This variable will contain an array of loaded language files
protected $loadedLanguages = array();
// This variable will contain an array of supported system and application languages
protected $languages = array();
// This variable will hold our language
public $language;
// Create the constructor
public function __construct()
// Scan the languages folder
// Set the default Language
$this->language = configuration('language', 'SuperSmash');
// This function will set the specified language
public function setLanguage($language)
// Check if the language exists
$language = strtolower($language);
if(in_array($language, $this->languages['application']) || in_array($language, $this->languages['system']))
$this->language = $language;
return true;
return false;
// This function will load the specified language
public function load($file, $language = null)
// Set the language if specified
if($language != null)
// Add the extension, and create our tag
$language = $this->language;
$key = $file .'_'. $language;
$file = $file . '.php';
// Make sure we havent loaded this already
return $this->supportedLanguages[$key];
// Init our empty variable arrays
$vars = array();
$vars2 = array();
// Load the core language file if it exists
if(file_exists(SYSTEM . DS . 'editable' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $language . DS . $file))
$vars = include(SYSTEM . DS . 'editable' . DS . 'languages' . DS . $language . DS . $file);
return false;
// Next we load the application file, allows overriding of the core one
if(file_exists(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . 'languages' . DS . $language . DS . $file))
$vars2 = include(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . 'languages' . DS . $language . DS . $file);
return false;
// Merge if both the app and core had the same filename
$vars = array_merge($vars, $vars2);
// Without a return, we need to store what we have here.
$this->loadedLanguages[] = $file;
$this->supportedLanguages[$key] = $vars;
// Init the return
return (!empty($vars)) ? $vars : false;
// This function gets the specified variable of the configuration array
public function get($variable, $file = null)
// Check to see that we loaded something first
return false;
// Determine our language variable filename if not givin
if($file == null)
foreach ($this->loadedLanguages as $key => $value) {
$file = $value;
// Build the language key (strip the .php extension)
$key = preg_replace('/\.php$/','',$file) . '_' . $this->language;
// check to see if our var is set... if not, try to load it first
// Attempt to load the actual language var now
return $this->supportedLanguages[$key][$variable];
return false;
// This function will return an array of all the languages that where found in the language folder
public function getLanguages($type = null)
if($type == 'system')
return $this->languages['system'];
elseif($type == 'application')
return $this->languages['application'];
return $this->languages;
// This function will scan and find all the installed languages
protected function scanLanguageFolders()
// Load the system languages first
$path = SYSTEM . DS . 'editable' . DS . 'languages';
$list = opendir( $path );
while($file = readdir($list))
if($file[0] != "." && is_dir($path . DS . $file))
$this->languages['system'][] = $file;
// Finally, Load app languages
$path = settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . 'languages';
$list = opendir( $path );
while($file = readdir($list))
if($file[0] != "." && is_dir($path . DS . $file))
$this->languages['application'][] = $file;