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2018-12-19 20:44:16 +01:00
/**** SuperSmash Framework ****/
/**** Created By SuperSmash ****/
/**** Started on: 25-04-2012 ****/
namespace system\SuperSmash;
if (!defined("SUPERSMASH_FRAMEWORK")){die("You cannot access this page directly!");}
class Router
// http protocol (https or http)
protected $protocol;
// hostname
protected $hostName;
// website URL
protected $websiteURL;
// requested URI
protected $uri;
// website directory
protected $websiteDir;
// controller name
protected $controler;
// action (sub page)
protected $action;
// querystring
protected $queryString;
// Create the contructor
public function __construct()
// Load the input class
$this->input = loadClass('Input');
// Start routing
// This function will check how the url should be loaded
protected function checkRoutingUrl()
// Determine our http hostname, and site directory
$this->hostName = rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '/');
$this->websiteDir = dirname( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
// Detect our protocol
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')
$this->protocol = 'https';
$this->protocol = 'http';
$this->protocol = 'http';
// Build our Full Base URL
$websiteURL = str_replace('//', '/', $this->hostName .'/'. $this->websiteDir);
$this->websiteURL = $this->protocol .'://' . rtrim($websiteURL, '/');
// Process the site URI
if (!configuration('urlParameters', 'SuperSmash'))
// Get our current url, which is passed on by the 'url' param
$this->uri = (isset($_GET['url']) ? $this->input->get('url', true) : '');
// Define our needed vars
$controllerParameter = configuration('controllerParameter', 'SuperSmash');
$actionParameter = configuration('actionParameter', 'SuperSmash');
// Make sure we have a controller at least
$controller = $this->input->get($controllerParameter, true);
if (!$controller)
$this->uri = '';
// Get our action
$action = $this->input->get($actionParameter, true);
if(!$action) $action = configuration('defaultAction', 'SuperSmash'); // Default Action
// initialise the uri
$this->uri = $controller .'/'. $action;
// Clean the query string
$queryString = $this->input->clean($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$queryString = explode('&', $queryString);
foreach($queryString as $string)
// Convert this segment to an array
$string = explode('=', $string);
// Dont add the controller / action twice ;)
if($string[0] == $controllerParameter || $string[0] == $actionParameter)
// Append the uri vraiable
$this->uri .= '/'. $string[1];
// If the URI is empty, then load defaults
if (empty($this->uri))
// Set our Controller / Action to the defaults
$controller = configuration('defaultController', 'SuperSmash'); // Default Controller
$action = configuration('defaultAction', 'SuperSmash'); // Default Action
$queryString = array(); // Default query string
// There is a URI, Lets load our controller and action
// Remove any left slashes or double slashes
$this->uri = ltrim( str_replace('//', '/', $this->uri), '/');
// We will start by bulding our controller, action, and querystring
$urlArray = array();
$urlArray = explode("/", $this->uri);
$controller = $urlArray[0];
// If there is an action, then lets set that in a variable
if(isset($urlArray[0]) && !empty($urlArray[0]))
$action = $urlArray[0];
// If there is no action, load the default action.
$action = configuration('defaultAction', 'SuperSmash'); // Default Action
// $queryString is what remains
$queryString = $urlArray;
// Make sure the first character of the controller is not an _ !
if( strncmp($controller, '_', 1) == 0 || strncmp($action, '_', 1) == 0 )
// Set static Variables
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->action = $action;
$this->queryString = $queryString;
// This function returns all the url information
public function getUrlInformation()
$array = array(
'protocol' => $this->protocol,
'hostName' => $this->hostName,
'websiteURL' => $this->websiteURL,
'websiteDir' => $this->websiteDir,
'uri' => $this->uri,
'controller' => $this->controller,
'action' => $this->action,
'querystring' => $this->queryString
return $array;
// This function returns the specified URI segment
public function getUriSegment($index) {
// Return the URI
return $this->uri[$index];
return false;