logErrors = configuration('logErrors', 'SuperSmash'); $this->development = configuration('development', 'SuperSmash'); // Save our original settings incase we change them midscript $this->originalSettings['logErrors'] = $this->logErrors; $this->originalSettings['development'] = $this->development; // Get our URL info $this->urlInformation = getUrlInformation(); } // This function will trigger the error public function triggerError($errorNumber, $message = '', $file = '', $line = 0, $backtrace = null) { // Language setup $this->language = strtolower(configuration('language', 'SuperSmash')); // fill in the attributes $this->errorMessage = $message; $this->errorFile = $file; $this->errorLine = $line; $this->errorTrace = $backtrace; // Get the error Level switch($errorNumber) { case E_USER_ERROR: $this->errorLevel = 'Error'; $severity = 2; break; case E_USER_WARNING: $this->errorLevel = 'Warning'; $severity = 1; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $this->errorLevel = 'Notice'; $severity = 1; break; case E_ERROR: $this->errorLevel = 'Error'; $severity = 2; break; case E_WARNING: $this->errorLevel = 'Warning'; $severity = 1; break; case E_NOTICE: $this->errorLevel = 'Notice'; $severity = 1; break; case E_STRICT: $this->errorLevel = 'Strict'; $severity = 1; break; default: $this->errorLevel = 'Error Code: '.$errorNumber; $severity = 2; break; } // Check if the error Logging is enabled if ($this->logErrors) { $this->logError(); } // Check if the error is important or the development environment is active if($this->development || $severity == 2) { // create the error page $this->createErrorPage(); } } // This function will show a specific error page public function showError($type) { if (ob_get_level() != 0) { ob_end_clean(); } // Get the language $language = strtolower (configuration('language', 'SuperSmash')); // Get the site url $websiteURL = $this->urlInformation['websiteURL']; // See if there is a custom page in the app folder if(file_exists(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . 'pages' . DS . $this->language . DS . $type .'.php')) { ob_start(); require_once(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . 'pages' . DS . $this->language . DS . $type .'.php'); $page = ob_get_contents(); $page = str_replace(""," " ,$page); // Replace some footer values $Benchmark = loadClass('Benchmark'); $page = str_replace('{elapsed}', $Benchmark->elapsed('system', 4), $page); $page = str_replace('{usage}', $Benchmark->usage(), $page); ob_end_clean(); die($page); } else { ob_start(); require_once(SYSTEM . DS . "SuperSmash" . DS . 'pages' . DS . $this->language . DS . $type .'.php'); $page = ob_get_contents(); $page = str_replace(""," " ,$page); // Replace some footer values $Benchmark = loadClass('Benchmark'); $page = str_replace('{elapsed}', $Benchmark->elapsed('system', 4), $page); $page = str_replace('{usage}', $Benchmark->usage(), $page); ob_end_clean(); die($page); } } // This function will log the error to the log file protected function logError() { // Get the site url $url = $this->urlInformation; // Create the log message $err_message = "| Logging started at: ". date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\n"; $err_message .= "| Error Level: ".$this->errorLevel ."\n"; $err_message .= "| Message: ".$this->errorMessage ."\n"; $err_message .= "| Reporting File: ".$this->errorFile."\n"; $err_message .= "| Error Line: ".$this->errorLine."\n"; $err_message .= "| URL When Error Occured: ". $url['websiteURL'] ."/". $url['uri'] ."\n\n"; $err_message .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; // Write to the log file $log = @fopen(SYSTEM . DS . 'editable' . DS . 'logs' . DS . ERROR, 'a'); @fwrite($log, $err_message); @fclose($log); } // This function will log the message to the debugging log public function log($message, $filename = DEBUG) { // Create the log message $logMessage = "(".date('Y-m-d H:i:s') .") ".$message ."\n"; // Write to the log file if (file_exists(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . "logs")) { $log = @fopen(settings::getFilePath() . DS . settings::getApp() . DS . "logs" . DS . $filename, 'a'); } else { $log = @fopen(SYSTEM . DS . 'editable' . DS . 'logs' . DS . $filename, 'a'); } @fwrite($log, $logMessage); @fclose($log); } // This function will enable or disable errorReporting public function errorReporting($report = true) { if($report) { // Set the error reporting back to the original state $this->logErrors = $this->originalSettings['logErrors']; $this->development = $this->originalSettings['development']; } else { // Use the custom error reporting $this->logErrors = 0; $this->development = 0; } return true; } // This function will build the error page protected function createErrorPage() { if (ob_get_level() != 0) { ob_end_clean(); } // Get the site url $websiteURL = $this->urlInformation['websiteURL']; // Get the correct error message ob_start(); if(!$this->development) { require_once(SYSTEM . DS . "SuperSmash" . DS . 'pages' . DS . 'error.php'); } else { require_once(SYSTEM . DS . "SuperSmash" . DS . 'pages' . DS . 'debug_error.php'); } $page = ob_get_contents(); // Replace some footer values $Benchmark = loadClass('Benchmark'); $page = str_replace('{elapsed}', $Benchmark->elapsed('system', 4), $page); $page = str_replace('{usage}', $Benchmark->usage(), $page); ob_end_clean(); // If we are debugging, build the debug block if($this->development) { // Create the regex, and search for it $regex = "{DEBUG}(.*){/DEBUG}"; while(preg_match("~". $regex ."~iUs", $page, $match)) { $blocks = ''; // We dont need the first trace because its in the error message unset($this->errorTrace[0]); $i = 1; // Make sure we have at least 1 backtrace! if(count($this->errorTrace) > 0) { // Loop through each level and add it to the $blocks var. foreach($this->errorTrace as $key => $value) { $block = $match[1]; $block = str_replace('{#}', $key++, $block); // Loop though each variable in the Trace level foreach($value as $key => $value) { // Upper case the key $key = strtoupper($key); // If $v is an object, then go to next loop if(is_object($value)) { continue; } // If $v is an array, we need to dump it if(is_array($value)) { $value = "
" . $this->var_dump($value, $key) . "
"; } $block = str_replace("{".$key."}", $value, $block); } // Add to blocks $blocks .= $block; // We only want to do this no more then 3 times if($i == 2) { break; } $i++; } } // Finally replace the whole thing with $blocks $page = str_replace($match[0], $blocks, $page); } } // add the error information to the page $page = str_replace("{ERROR_COPYRIGHT}", "SuperSmash Framework ©" . date("Y") . " SuperSmash", $page); $page = str_replace("{ERROR_LEVEL}", $this->errorLevel, $page); $page = str_replace("{MESSAGE}", $this->errorMessage, $page); $page = str_replace("{FILE}", $this->errorFile, $page); $page = str_replace("{LINE}", $this->errorLine, $page); die($page); } // This function will create a var dump protected function var_dump($variable, $var_name = null, $indent = null) { // create an empty html variable $html = ''; // Create the tabIndentation style $tab_line = "|      "; // Grab our variable type and get our text color $type = ucfirst(gettype($variable)); switch($type) { case "Array": // Count our number of keys in the array $count = count($variable); $html .= "$indent" . ($var_name ? "$var_name => ":"") . "$type ($count)
"; $keys = array_keys($variable); // Foreach array key, we need to get the value. foreach($keys as $name) { $value = $variable[$name]; $html .= $this->var_dump($value, "['$name']", $indent.$tab_line); } $html .= "$indent)
"; break; case "String": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".strlen($variable).") $type_color\"$variable\"
"; break; case "Integer": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".strlen($variable).") $type_color$variable
"; break; case "Double": $type_color = ""; $type = "Float"; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".strlen($variable).") $type_color$variable
"; break; case "Boolean": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".strlen($variable).") $type_color".($variable == 1 ? "true":"false")."
"; break; case "null": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".strlen($variable).") ".$type_color."null
"; break; case "Object": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type
"; break; case "Resource": $type_color = ""; $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type ".$type_color."Resource
"; break; default: $html .= "$indent$var_name = $type(".@strlen($variable).") $variable
"; break; } return $html; } } ?>