
69 lines
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/**** SuperSmash Framework ****/
/**** Created By SuperSmash ****/
/**** Started on: 25-04-2012 ****/
namespace system\SuperSmash;
if (!defined("SUPERSMASH_FRAMEWORK")){die("You cannot access this page directly!");}
class Benchmark
// Create the arrays that holds the timers
protected $start = array();
protected $stop = array();
// This function will start a new timer
public function start($key)
$this->start[$key] = microtime(true);
// This function will stop the specified timer
public function stop($key)
$this->stop[$key] = microtime(true);
// This function will show the specified timer
public function elapsed($key, $round = 3, $stop = false)
return false;
if(!isset($this->stop[$key]) && $stop == true)
$this->stop[$key] = microtime(true);
return round((microtime(true) - $this->start[$key]), $round);
// This function will return the amount of memory the page uses while loading
public function usage()
$returnValue = '';
$usage = memory_get_usage(true);
if($usage < 1024)
$returnValue = $usage." bytes";
elseif($usage < 1048576)
$returnValue = round($usage/1024, 2)." kilobytes";
$returnValue = round($usage/1048576, 2)." megabytes";
return $returnValue;